
Pluris believes “Water is life” and that there is not a more important natural resource and although the United States ranks highest in delivering safe drinking water to Americans, there is constant need for improvement. The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) provides a periodic report card on American Infrastructure and in 2013 ASCE gave America a “D” for Drinking Water. Much of the drinking water infrastructure is nearing the end of its useful life according to ASCE. Currently, there is an estimated 240,000 water main breaks per year and the American Water Works Association (AWWA) estimates the cost over coming decades could reach $1 trillion to replace all the aging pipes. In addition to pipes treatment costs are increasing with stricter rules promulgated by the EPA in its ongoing implementation of the Safe Drinking Water Act Amendments of 1996.

Pluris understands its responsibility in providing safe drinking water to customers and treating wastewater from homes and businesses before returning to the environment. Pluris also understands, that with its regulated utilities we have to meet the environmental compliance requirements of regulatory agencies while doing so in a fair and reasonable manner on behalf of customers.

One of our ways in which we have benefitted the environment while providing growth in a sustainable manner has been our membrane bio-reactor wastewater treatment facilities situated along sensitive coastal communities in North Carolina. These facilities allow the highest treatment of wastewater to the level that the resulting water can be reused for irrigation, conserving drinking water sources and providing water for landscaping at lesser costs than drinking water.

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